News and Media Releases

Please see below for news and media releases relating to Building Officials.
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14 June 2019

The future use of three significant Christchurch heritage buildings remains secret as the city council considers its options.

13 June 2019

The NZ Transport Agency and Inland Revenue are evacuating their shared Palmerston North office, after investigations found it was earthquake prone.

12 June 2019

The only confirmed consent Tapu Te Ranga Marae had when the main building burned down was for a single potting shed.

11 June 2019

New data shows that more new dwellings are being consented in Auckland than ever before.

7 June 2019

A new framework establishes a broad understanding of what is meant by 'housing quality' and will be useful across the New Zealand data system, Stats NZ said today.

7 June 2019

Alleged defects in a seven-level building in central Christchurch were spotted by a recently qualified engineer on a night out.

27 May 2019

A new office building in central Christchurch's main shopping precinct has many serious flaws in its earthquake design according to three leading engineering companies - including one in a government-commissioned report.

16 May 2019

Wellington apartment owners could end up spending more to make their buildings earthquake safe, than the actual value of their home.

16 May 2019

The Government is looking at whether more buildings might be "earthquake-prone", particularly those with precast concrete and hollow-core floors.

14 May 2019

Reading Cinemas has told investors it is "laser focused" on re-inventing the earthquake-prone Courtenay Central complex - but how it plans to go about the multi-million dollar revamp remains a mystery.


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