Renew your Accreditation

Accredited Building Surveyor members are required to renew annually during a period prior to the expiry of their Accreditation. It is the member’s responsibility to apply for renewal at least 60 days prior to expiry of their accreditation to ensure timely assessment of the application.

The Renewal of Accreditation must be on the approved form obtained from the National Accreditation Division. Along with the Renewal Fee, the Renewal of Accreditation must be accompanied by the following "Evidence of Skills Maintenance" in the form of:

  • Provision of certificates of successful participation in approved (CPD) programmes 
  • Signed Declaration 
  • Provision of a schedule of statistics of work done during the past 12 months
  • A copy of confirmation of your current Personal Indemnity Insurance
  • A copy of your Complaints Procedure & Complaints Register
  • Performance evidence of handling difficult issues such as unusual investigations, complaints, etc..  which proves management ability in difficult situations
  • 2 copies of recent reports – the date and types of these reports may be prescribed by BOINZ - second report submitted after the first report passes

Annually, Accredited Building Surveyors are required to commit to a re-accreditation process to maintain their ability to continue providing services as an Accredited Building Surveyor.

This renewal is undertaken via a peer review process, with information required no later than 60 days prior to the Accreditation renewal date.

How to Renew your Accreditation

To apply for Accreditation Renewal, please contact National Office at  or 04 473 6002 or login into MYBOINZ to download the renewal documents.

Your completed Renewal Application can be sent to:

National Accreditation Division

Building Officials Institute of New Zealand

PO Box 11424

Manners Street

Wellington 6142

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