News and Media Releases

Please see below for news and media releases relating to Building Officials.
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9 August 2019

Construction of a new $500 million town centre is about to start on the outskirts of Queenstown.

5 August 2019

Wellington City Council has unofficially ditched an optimistic sea-level rise scenario in favour of one that could see much of the central city and low-lying suburbs under water.

2 August 2019

The Minister of Education, Hon Chris Hipkins, has just announced the changes the Government will be making to the vocational education system in New Zealand. The changes being made will give industry the lead role in ensuring New Zealand's workforce is fit for today's workplace needs and tomorrow's expectations. The new system will give employers choice of provider once fully implemented.

2 August 2019

​A Wellington construction business owner says planned changes to the polytechnic and vocation education will have "diabolical" effects.

29 July 2019

Hamilton City Council is making changes after concerns about buildings that do not have warrants of fitness.

25 July 2019

The owner of a tiny home in rural North Canterbury is taking a Government department to court to highlight a legal anomaly that could affect fellow small place dwellers.

25 July 2019

The Government is moving to transform the nebulous Resource Management Act (RMA), the main law that constrains development in New Zealand.

23 July 2019

CertMark International Pty Ltd (CMI) has withdrawn from the New Zealand CodeMark scheme effective from midnight 22 July 2019. This follows its recent suspension as a product certification body (PCB) by the Joint Accreditation System of Australia and New Zealand (JAS-ANZ).

23 July 2019

Local councils are being asked to sign off on major buildings when they have big gaps in what they know about the steel frames and seismic strength.

23 July 2019

Three years after nearly losing its accreditation to issue building consents, the Queenstown Lakes District Council's building consents team's performance has improved out of sight, its manager says.


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