Professional Development

As the peak body for building surveyors the Institute has as one of its major strategic platforms a commitment to educating and training its members.

The skill sets required by building surveyors are such that they are continually evolving in relation to building technique, products and legislation.

An outcome of the Building Act 2004 was the creation of Building Consent Authorities (BCAs) and the subsequent legislation relating to the formation of these bodies. A further requirement on the formation of the BCAs was for Building Surveyors/Building Control Officials (BCOs) working in a technical capacity to have a formal and appropriate qualification to undertake their role.

This qualification regulation within the Building (Accreditation of Building Consent Authorities) Regulation 2006 has been the underpinning driving force for the Institute to take the lead in educating our sector.

The professionalisation of the Building Surveying sector has progressed over this time, to the extent that quality building outcomes are the objective of all building surveyors within our membership.

Such a high ideal can only be maintained through an ongoing life time commitment to improving knowledge and skill sets in line with advances in the building sector.

The outcome of our member's educational investment will ultimately provide the New Zealand public with the confidence that the buildings they purchase and occupy are fit for purpose.

Our Training Academy courses allow members to fill knowledge gaps and refresh on previously gained skills and technical capability.

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