News and Media Releases

Please see below for news and media releases relating to Building Officials.
If you have any suggestions for items you think should feature here please contact

11 March 2024

The Call for Nominations to the Building Officials Institute of New Zealand's Board is an important step in ensuring member interests are represented in the leadership and development of the building surveying sector in New Zealand. 

We are seeking nominees who have relevant governance and/or leadership experience, skills, networks and strategic thinking to move building surveying as a sector forward and achieve BOINZ's vision.

This is an important process for the Institute and is your opportunity to advance candidates you believe will add value and direction to the Institute. 

Nominees and Nominators must be financial members of the Building Officials Institute of New Zealand.

Click here for more information.


17 February 2024

On Friday 16 February 2024, the Building Officials Institute of New Zealand ratified and passed its new Constitution reflecting compliance under the Incorporated Societies Act 2022 and recommended changes to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of this governing document for the Institute. 

Click here for more information.

19 January 2024


16 February 2024


The Board of the Building Officials Institute of New Zealand (BOINZ) is inviting all financial voting category members of the Institute to a Special General Meeting on 16th February at 11:30am virtually via Zoom.

The meeting has been called to consider and recommend adoption of the Institute's proposed new constitution draft as required under the Incorporated Societies Act 2022. 

Click here for more information.

15 November 2023

Post-event rapid building assessments establish building usability after an emergency event has struck an area. Section 133BT of the Building Act 2004 gives 'responsible persons' the powers to prohibit or restrict the use of the building.

MBIE have produced a video to support building owners and occupiers when their building receives a placard.

The video is available on the Building Performance website.

2 October 2023

The last remuneration survey undertaken by the Institute was in 2020. The building surveying sector along with other links in the building chain are still facing pressures to resource appropriately, whether it be within a council or private environment.

 Please log into the MY BOINZ page of the website to find the link to the survey.



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