News and Media Releases

Please see below for news and media releases relating to Building Officials.
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31 October 2019

Fewer people would have died in the deadly Grenfell Tower fire if the London Fire Brigade had told residents to evacuate the burning building sooner then they did, a public inquiry found Wednesday.

31 October 2019

The construction industry has launched a new on-site programme - Mates In Construction - to try to reduce its highest rate of suicide of all industries in New Zealand.

30 October 2019

The chaos and destruction that might ensue during a tsunami evacuation in Napier is represented by a mass of red dots rushing around the city's streets.

29 October 2019

A teenager - possibly an apprentice - is believed to have accidentally left unattended the blowtorch that sparked the devastating SkyCity fire, bringing central Auckland to a standstill.

29 October 2019

New Zealand should adopt Queensland-style building insurance to address problems in the house building market, says a consumer advocate.

29 October 2019

A Canterbury mother-of-two who opted to live in a house bus to make ends meet has appealed to the Government to introduce "common sense" legislation for tiny home owners.

29 October 2019

The failure of two eco-friendly building companies, now in liquidation owing nearly $1 million, is due to others failing to pay, the owner claims.

25 October 2019

As the sun rose over the SkyCity Convention Centre fire for the third time, day two of the recovery phase began.

23 October 2019

OPINION:There's a regular flow of stories in the media about construction issues. The engineering profession takes public safety and its reputation seriously, so these stories concern us.

22 October 2019

The government is increasing the number of places available in two secondary school initiatives that encourage school leavers to work in trades.


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