News and Media Releases

Please see below for news and media releases relating to Building Officials.
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13 November 2019

A Wanaka-based company has today launched a modular building system which will allow houses to be constructed in under a week, it says.

12 November 2019

A company which claims to have identified over 1200 defective buildings and structures around the country in the last five years says it's a snapshot of a wider problem which is a very real threat to public safety.

11 November 2019

As the housing crisis deepens and families struggle to find a home, developer Charles Ma thinks it's time to change the way we build.

4 November 2019

A New Plymouth property owner is urging new home buyers not to rely on Land Information Memorandum (LIM) reports after wrong information got him into a planning wrangle with the district council.

4 November 2019

As erosion threatens seaside houses of Sunset Beach, Port Waikato, home owners are growing increasingly frustrated at what they say are a lack of answers.

31 October 2019

Newly released documents show the country's leading building products certifier failed reviews repeatedly for years but officials let it carry on largely unfettered.

31 October 2019

A lengthy fire engineering report for the SkyCity convention centre made no mention of the possibility of a blaze on the roof.

31 October 2019

Fewer people would have died in the deadly Grenfell Tower fire if the London Fire Brigade had told residents to evacuate the burning building sooner then they did, a public inquiry found Wednesday.

31 October 2019

The construction industry has launched a new on-site programme - Mates In Construction - to try to reduce its highest rate of suicide of all industries in New Zealand.

30 October 2019

The chaos and destruction that might ensue during a tsunami evacuation in Napier is represented by a mass of red dots rushing around the city's streets.


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