News and Media Releases

Please see below for news and media releases relating to Building Officials.
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24 September 2019

Construction work in New Zealand is still at record levels despite a fall in the number of cranes standing tall on the skyline.

20 September 2019

The Government is taking action to ensure that the construction industry is ready and able to deliver greater quantities of warm, dry, affordable homes says Housing Minister Megan Woods.

20 September 2019

Invercargill City Council chief executive Clare Hadley says staff poaching throughout the country is rife as the city struggles to meet building consent demands.

20 September 2019

Her house reduced to little more than a storage shed, Cushla McCarthy is living New Zealand's flood-prone future.

20 September 2019

Kelvin Wilson built his own house at the weekends, over 10 months, but it had taken him nine months to get the consent in the first place.

17 September 2019

Directors of the failed Stanley Group of construction companies told the liquidator they now believe they under-priced a flagship Housing New Zealand (HNZ) project by as much as $2 million.

17 September 2019

Emails show the mayor of Lower Hutt was told in February that bad plumbing in a retirement complex was life-threatening.

17 September 2019

The housing market in the Bay of Plenty makes it difficult to rent a house, let alone buy or build one.

16 September 2019

A director who has gone bankrupt in Australia has been ordered pay Queenstown's council over a leaky building scandal.

16 September 2019

Phil Twyford and Jenny Salesa met a critical reception at the annual Constructive forum on Thursday as developers shared concerns over the procurement process.


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