News and Media Releases

Please see below for news and media releases relating to Building Officials.
If you have any suggestions for items you think should feature here please contact

3 July 2019

After his brother and partner in the family construction business died by suspected suicide, Chris Hughes wasn't sure what to tell his staff.

2 July 2019

The Government has been warned changes to vocational education will see industries hire fewer apprentices and fewer people enter training.

28 June 2019

The New Zealand parliament could be set for expansion.

28 June 2019

​Reclad leaky buildings are selling for the same prices as homes and apartments that have never leaked, University of Auckland academics have found.

27 June 2019

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has confirmed the details of a Cabinet reshuffle that sees Kris Faafoi being promoted into Cabinet, Poto Williams made a Minister outside of Cabinet and a team put in place to advance the Government's housing plan.

27 June 2019

Following consultation processes that took place last year and earlier this year, on 27 June 2019 MBIE published changes to Building Code documents to make it easier to comply.

27 June 2019

Fletcher Building has announced it will return $300 million capital to its shareholders through a buyback scheme and it will reinstate dividends after the business sold two major assets.

25 June 2019

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern says there will still be a Government building programme at the next election but she was not able to guarantee that KiwiBuild would be part of it.

25 June 2019

The Building Amendment Act was passed into law last week. The Act provides a new system for quickly and effectively managing buildings during and after an emergency.

21 June 2019

Engineers have been meeting regulators in a dispute over a new Christchurch building that remains off-limits due to its earthquake design.


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