New developments in dispute over Chch building off-limits due to quake concerns
Engineers have been meeting regulators in a dispute over a new Christchurch building that remains off-limits due to its earthquake design.
The seven-storey building at 230 High Street in a central city mall has been faulted by three engineering companies, and defended by two other firms.
Documents show Miyamoto International NZ raised 64 issues in its peer review of the design by Seismotech Consulting, but in the end each was marked as "closed" in early 2017.
The Christchurch City Council said Miyamoto International called the latest meeting to discuss a report done for the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment.
MBIE said it was a technical meeting.
The ministry has yet to issue a determination that will decide the building's fate, 18 months after the first alert about it was raised by engineering firm Aurecon.
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230 High St - Google maps