Eco-house businesses in liquidation owing nearly $1m

The failure of two eco-friendly building companies, now in liquidation owing nearly $1 million, is due to others failing to pay, the owner claims.

Christchurch businessman Dan Tremewan is a former bankrupt who has had several businesses put into liquidation. He says the liquidation of his businesses, Welstruct Limited and Welhaus Christchurch Limited is due to a client and a contractor refusing to pay him.

He continues to be involved in nine companies, which own several properties in or near Christchurch, and has links to high profile developer of The Tannery Alasdair​ Cassels who is the uncle of Tremewan's wife, Lucy.

Liquidator Brenton Hunt said the liquidation investigation was in the early stages and he had recommended to the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment (MBIE) that Tremewan be prohibited from being a company director in future.

MBIE confirmed it was reviewing Tremewan's suitability for prohibition in relation to companies that recently went into liquidation. "If Mr Tremewan is found to be in serious breach of the [Companies] Act, enforcement action will follow," a spokeswoman said.

Hunt said he was still accepting claims, but so far there had been claims from 26 unsecured creditors for $150,000 for Welstruct and 24 unsecured creditors claims totalling $827,000 for Welhaus Christchurch.

Many of these are disputed by Tremewan.

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