Working in New Zealand

Skill Shortages

Building Inspectors (Surveyors) are listed on the Skilled Occupations List, Canterbury Skill Shortage List and the Immediate Skill Shortage list in New Zealand. If you have the appropriate qualifications you can apply for a working visa under one of these categories.

More information on these lists and the qualifications required for eligibility can be found here.

New Zealand Qualification Framework

To understand more about how your overseas qualification compares against the New Zealand Qualification Framework, you will need to use the New Zealand Qualification Authority's 'International Qualifications Assessment' (IQA). 

This is an in-depth assessment of qualifications you've gained outside of New Zealand. It assesses which level your international qualification aligns to on the NZ Qualification's Framework. You will be given a Recognition Statement that you can use for immigration purposes, for New Zealand employment, study and other reasons. For more information on this process please view here.  

Please note that for immigration purposes, NZQA holds a list of qualifications that are exempt from assessment, based on their assessed position on the NZQF.  

Sourcing a job in New Zealand 

Our HR Division is perfectly placed to assist you in your job hunt for a building surveying job in New Zealand. Please register with our HR Division and we can begin looking on your behalf. 

Contact or phone 04 473 6009 to speak with our recruitment specialist.  

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