
Launching HR Division 

We specialise in niche building surveying recruitment with a prime focus on local councils and the private building sector. We work hard to promote building surveying as the highly skilled sector it is and we look support our members and those with interest in advancing through the building surveying profession.

How we're different 

  • Our knowledge of the sector. We genuinely understand industry issues along with the challenges of sourcing qualified staff 
  • Through our connection to the Building Officials Institute of NZ we understand and champion the work of our clients and the skill sets of our candidates 
  • We have an established network of building surveying professionals and can communicate through multiple channels both nationally and internationally 

Our access to Building Surveying Professionals 

  • Through our membership we are connected to over 1200 building surveying professionals and are able to use our in-house channels of communication through our website, newsletters and online magazine 
  • Our Situations Vacant page is the most viewed page on our website, attracting over 1200 views most months 
  • We're actively developing reciprocal advertising packages with our sister organisations internationally  

Our Recruitment Process 

An outline of our full recruitment process can be found here. For more information and to discuss using our services please contact:

HR Division Manager
04 473 6009


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