Archived News and Media Releases

10 July 2014

Builders will be required to have written contracts, provide information on their relevant skills, experience and qualifications, and disclose their insurance and warranty cover from 1 January 2015.

8 July 2014

 BRANZ have advised today that their shareholding in Construction Information Ltd (CIL) will be relinquished.

2 July 2014

 Changes to C/AS1 - C/AS7 (Amendment 3), C/VM2 (Amendment 4) and BCH/AS1 Amendment 1

1 May 2014

Prime Minister John Key has reallocated the portfolios made vacant by the resignation of Maurice Williamson as a Minister.

24 April 2014

Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Minister Gerry Brownlee says feedback provided to the New Zealand Council for Infrastructure Development (NZCID) by stakeholders in Christchurch’s rebuild will help inform the government’s ongoing work programme.

17 April 2014

MBIE have released a fifth issue of technical clarifications and updates to the Guidance document ‘Repairing and rebuilding houses affected by the Canterbury earthquakes’, December 2012.

17 March 2014

MBIE is in the midst of changes to the Protection from Fire documents and the Backcountry Huts Acceptable Solution.

14 March 2014

The New Zealand Housing and Construction Quarterly (NZHCQ) analyses sector trends in the building, construction and housing sectors.

17 February 2014

Crown Manager optimistic, but wary of increasing demand


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