Archived News and Media Releases

17 March 2016

 The Commerce Commission is investigating revelations a major building product manufacturer has been using false certificates for the last four years.

16 March 2016

Current discussion around the use of non-standard poor quality plumbing products highlights the need for consumers to ensure that those performing plumbing work are properly authorised.

4 March 2016

 Smaller construction companies in Christchurch are lining up to put their workers through free occupational health sessions next week.

4 March 2016

The Commerce Commission this week asked two companies to stop selling some steel mesh products amid concerns they might not comply with the Australia/New Zealand Standard (AS/NZ 4671:2001). These companies both claim their product complies with this Standard as the pathway for achieving Building Code compliance.

4 March 2016

Brilliance Steel Ltd (Brilliance) and Euro Corporation Limited (Euro Corporation) have agreed to stop selling some steel mesh products while the Commerce Commission further investigates concerns that they may not comply with the Australia/New Zealand standard (AS/NZ 4671:2001).

3 March 2016

 Building activity reached a record high in the December 2015 quarter, with an increase from the previous quarter in Auckland but a decrease in Canterbury, Statistics New Zealand said today.

23 February 2016

 Good progress has been achieved under the Housing Accords between the Government and the Tauranga and Western Bay of Plenty councils, Building and Housing Minister Dr Nick Smith said today after meeting with both councils.

19 February 2016

 Regulations to help you understand what you need to do to meet your duties under the new Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 (HSWA) are out now.

11 December 2015

 As part of the rollout of the new LBP Skills Maintenance system MBIE recently introduced, LBPs are now able to complete Record of Work (RoW) and Certificate of Work (CoW) forms online.

11 December 2015

 The Code of Practice for Design, Installation and Seismic Restraint of Suspended ceilings has been released by the Association of Wall & Ceiling Industries of NZ in response to recommendations from the Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission.


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