Continuing Professional Development Programme

CPD Information for Licensed and Accredited Members

BOINZ members work in a complex technical and compliance environment. The ongoing development of knowledge, judgement and expertise is essential.

That is why BOINZ's Code of Ethics includes an obligation for you to demonstrate professional competence and skills and to involve yourself in continuing education and training particularly toward new technology and innovations.

CPD activities can include:

Maximum Claimable CPD Points per year

Participating in Branch Meetings

Unlimited - 1 Hour = 1 CPD point

Participating in BOINZ courses

Unlimited - Points as allocated

Participating in BOINZ or third party provider1 seminars, workshops, and training

Unlimited - Points as allocated

Third party seminars, workshops, or training

8 points

Participating in the BOINZ Annual Conference

16 points

Participating in the BOINZ SBCO Forum

12 points

Study group facilitated discussion group, or technical discussion between peers including reasonable preparation - can include Staff Meetings

2 Points / year

Peer review / observation of a colleague's work

with no record keeping

2 points

with documented records

4 points

Teaching, instructing, presenting including reasonable preparation

4 Points

Writing or contributing to work-related newsletters/articles/submissions

4 Points

Participation in developing procedures and processes (documented)

4 Points

Induction training / training in the use of BCA or business systems and processes and equipment (e.g. use of measuring devices, digital technology, etc).

2 Points

Reading of relevant material

Licensed Members

2 Points

Accredited Members

10 Points

1 BOINZ works with industry providers to allocate points for specific, relevant courses.

CPD Requirements

The responsibility lies with you to choose suitable professional development.

You will need to:

  • Identify your own learning needs and
  • Complete 25 points of CPD activities per year (Licensed Member) or 20 points of CPD activities per year including reading (Accredited Member)
  • Maintain your CPD Record of Learning on the BOINZ database by:
    • Uploading CPD activity via the BOINZ website; or
    • Utilising your own CPD records that you may already collect as competency and learning evidence for your role by sending a copy to BOINZ e.g. this could be your BCA training record.

CPD Activities

You choose, with the exception of reading, activities must:
  • Be verifiable
  • Provide for interaction / feedback
  • Be planned and structured, with a stated purpose and outcomes
  • Be related to your particular role & learning requirements.

Activities could be

  • Participating in branch meetings, courses, seminars, confer¬ences, training
  • Study groups, facilitated discussion group or technical discussion between peers including reasonable preparation
  • Peer review / observation of a colleague's work with formal feedback
  • Distance learning programmes / part-time tertiary study
  • Teaching, instructing, presenting including reasonable preparation
  • Writing or contributing to work-related newsletters/articles/submissions
  • Participation in developing checklists or procedures
  • Induction training / training in the use of BCA or business systems and processes and equipment (e.g. computer training, use of moisture meter, digital camera).
Accredited Members may include reading as an additional CPD activity.

CPD Topics

Topics should be linked to:
  • Competency specifications prescribed in the BCA competency assessment system or
  • Competencies recognised by BOINZ or
  • Topics you can demonstrate may assist you to carry out your work.
For example:
  • Knowledge of the philosophy and principles of building design and construction
  • Knowledge of building products & systems
  • Knowledge and application of the Building Act, NZBC
  • Knowledge and application of other relevant law
  • Knowledge and application of NZS 4306:2005 Residential Property Inspection
  • Plan reading, plan vetting, processing consent applications
  • Inspecting or certifying building work
  • Complying with BCA/Business policies, procedures & systems
  • Verbal & written communication with internal or external stakeholders / clients, report writing
  • Personal, administrative and general management skills
  • Ethical conduct, professional conduct and customer interaction.

Spread of CPD

BOINZ's expectation of members is that your CPD record will show:
  • A range of topics which reflect the range of competence required in your area of practice.
  • A range of activities.


Members who have not worked for a full year may pro-rate requirements
  • Each hour of CPD activity or reading is allocated 1 CPD point
  • BOINZ will also work with industry providers to allocate points for specific courses.


Depends on type of activity but includes:
  • Form / receipt, signed and counter-signed by organiser or named participant
  • Completion certificates
  • Attendance records
  • Letters from organisers
  • Assessment / course results showing pass
  • In-house records
  • For presenters/writers list of topics discussed, time taken, names of presenters / facilitators
  • Copies of material you have written or contributed to.

Exemptions & deferments

No exemptions
Deferments in exceptional circumstances only.

  • CPD year will run from 1 July - 30 June following year
  • Declarations to be filed at end of each CPD year.

Allocation of points by BOINZ

  • Providers are the various organisations and bodies who provide CPD training
  • Providers will be allocated CPD points by BOINZ before the event is offered to members
  • Members may apply to BOINZ for CPD points where activities are not covered by providers but the learning is relevant to the their roles
  • BOINZ will allocate points according to BOINZ CPD Policy including 1 hour = 1 point.
Note: BOINZ will create relationships with providers and assess their course content for CPD point allocation to be listed on the BOINZ website.


  • May be random, risk-based, cause driven
  • Will be supportive / non-punitive and educational
  • False declarations will be reported.
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