News and Media Releases

Please see below for news and media releases relating to Building Officials.
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9 December 2019

Two spectators to a secondary school athletics event were seriously injured when a two-tonne metal structure was picked up by a wind gust, thrown over a fence, and landed on them.

9 December 2019

Marc Collins and his neighbours in the idyllic Auckland waterfront street of Provence Esplanade are calling for politicians to protect ordinary people from incompetent, error-prone builders who hike prices during construction.

6 December 2019

For the first time, a council is going to court to get the power to strengthen two heritage listed, earthquake-prone buildings - because the owners refuse to do so.

6 December 2019

The Christchurch City Council consented a structural design for an eight-storey building that a rookie engineer could tell at a glance was flawed.

5 December 2019

New legislation to transform our urban areas and create sustainable, inclusive and thriving communities will tomorrow be introduced to Parliament, Urban Development Minister Phil Twyford said.

5 December 2019

Councils estimate they have yet to identify 10,000 buildings nationwide that are earthquake-prone and need upgrading or demolition.

29 November 2019

Alexandra's Xerra Earth Observation Institute is partnering with Auckland Council on a system for urban change detection.

28 November 2019

A "cavalier" Marlborough man who built five tiny houses and tried to sell some on TradeMe said he didn't think he needed building consent because they were moveable.

28 November 2019

Using engineered timber instead of concrete and steel on commercial buildings may not be a lot more expensive, big construction firm Naylor Love says

27 November 2019

The historic Petone Settlers Museum is no longer considered earthquake prone but the news is not so good for Lower Hutt's War Memorial Library.


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