2017 News


Worksafe - Lock up you construction sites. To read press release, click here.

Hon. Jenny Salesa - Moves to make building rules easier to access and understand. To read more, click here.

Hon. Jenny Salesa - Practical changes to unreinforced masonry securing initiative. To read announcement, click here.

Infrastructure New Zealand - Decisive leadership required to improve local government services. To read the media release, click here.

JAMES HARDIE - Aucklanders living in denial in monolithic-clad 'secret leakers.'
To read the article click here.

OPUS - "buyout by WSP approved by Overseas Investment Office." To read the article, click here.

WORKSAFE - "Falls from height eassily avoided" To read the article, click here.


JAMES HARDIE - "loses last bid to stop class action suit from leaky-home owners". To read the article click here.


SIR BOB JONES - "Plans to build world's tallest wooden office tower in Wellington". To read the article, click here.


RADIO NEW ZEALAND - Fire Protection Substandard in 'Most' NZ Multistoreys. To read the article, click here.



The Building Officials Institute of NZ (BOINZ) board, staff and members first and foremost would like to convey their empathy to the families, friends and colleagues of those involved in the tragic incident that unfolded in the Grenfell Apartment tower in London.
There has already been extensive and speculative media coverage on this fire, its possible causes, and the numerous factors that may have contributed to the resulting multiple fatalities. The general public accurately assumes the buildings in which we live, work, and play provide a higher level of protection to human life than the Grenfell Apartment building provided to its occupants. BOINZ believes it is a failure that must be acknowledged and every opportunity taken to investigate thoroughly, and allow findings to influence our continual evolution of building design and compliance outcomes.
The event has also seen wide ranging opinions expressed on the use of what many have described as non-conforming building materials. BOINZ is encouraged by the interest building professionals, regulators and the general public have shown in the implications that the use of non-conforming or substituted product may have had in this particular instance, and the more far reaching insinuations on New Zealand's own existing and future building stock.
Fit-for-purpose products and systems are of particular relevance to our New Zealand construction regulatory framework founded on a performance based Building Code that permits alternative solutions and systems to be presented for assessment by our Building Surveying Profession against performance requirements. It is a process that those in the construction sector comprehend but the general public has limited understanding of. The performance based requirements do encourage innovation and provide for design flexibility, and as Building Surveyors engaged in building control it is our duty to society to make informed decisions that ensure the risk of events such as the Grenfell Apartment fire are minimised.
BOINZ is not in a position to provide comment on specifics of the Grenfell case until details of cause and contributors have been published by investigators. At this point in time BOINZ would encourage members, designers, engineers, suppliers and regulators to engage in greater transparent communication, to facilitate informed decisions being made on building product compliance under our performance based requirements to ensure the public can continue to have faith in the quality of existing housing stock and new construction.

BOINZ strives to "Improve the quality and performance of the built environment" through quality education, facilitating knowledge sharing among the profession, and construction industry partnerships.
Any life lost as a result of failings should be remembered and considered in making effective changes to better protect others. In this regard, the Institute will continue to engage stakeholders in the pursuit of better building outcomes, taking advantage of the interest created by recent events in the construction industry and the regulatory framework underpinning it.


Online tutorial for passive rockfall protection structures now available

An online tutorial providing instruction on the design of passive rockfall protection structures is now available on the Institution of Professional Engineers New Zealand (IPENZ) website. Structures such as rockfall fences and embankments act to reduce the effects of falling rock on people and/or infrastructure.

The tutorial will be available free to all geotechnical professionals and is part of a wider geotechnical education programme. Continuing Professional Development points can be gained from watching the presentation and undertaking a quiz. The tutorial is based on the rockfall guidance document MBIE has developed in collaboration with the New Zealand Geotechnical Society and the New Zealand Transport Agency, and is part of the broader guidance on geotechnical engineering MBIE has developed in response to issues arising from the Canterbury earthquake.

You can access the online tutorial on the IPENZ e-learning webpage

Rockfall: Design considerations for passive protection structures has the guidance.

Geotechnical education has further information on the geotechnical education programme.


LOGS4JOBS: PrefabNZ in collaboration with Carter Holt Harvey Woodproducts, BCITO and CareersNZ are launching a new initiative called Logs4jobs. Click here to read it

RADIO NEW ZEALAND: Red-sticker checks took too long, Kaikōura building leader says. Click here to read it

BUILDING CONTROLS UPDATE 211: Progress on amendments to clarify the requirements for retention money. Click here to read it

BUILDING CONTROLS UPDATE 210: Pool manufacturers and retailers required to supply consumer notices. Click here to read it

NEWS FROM THE BEEHIVE: Parapets, facades to be secured on 38 streets. Click here to read it

STANDARDS NZ SUBMISSION: BOINZ assists ABS Members on draft DZ8510 StandardsNZ submission. To read our submission, click here


BUILDING CONTROLS UPDATE 209: Requirement to secure unreinforced masonry parapets and facades. Click here to read it

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