BOINZ Passes New Constitution - SGM 2024

On Friday 16 February 2024, the Building Officials Institute of New Zealand ratified and passed its new Constitution reflecting compliance under the Incorporated Societies Act 2022 and recommended changes to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of this governing document for the Institute. 

The ratification followed an extensive Roadshow across the country to members during August-September 2023.  The resulting document encompassed regulatory requirements from the Incorporated Societies Act 2022 and inclusions to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the Institute's governance and operations.  

Member feedback was a vital ingredient, as was the oversight of the Constitution Committee, Board and legal representation, all contributing to the unanimous support from members at the Special General Meeting (SGM).

The next steps now include registering the Constitution under the new Act and advising Charity Services of the new document, the latter involving a reassessment of the Institute's charitable status. 

The Board and management thank all members for their time and contribution in respect of this process.

Nick Hill

Chief Executive

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