Consultation relating to pool inspection and retailer notices

MBIE is seeking your feedback on proposed requirements to be made by regulatory instruments under the Building (Pools) Amendment Bill. Consultation opened on 7 October 2016 and runs until 5pm on 21 October 2016.

The Bill proposes to repeal the Fencing of Swimming Pools Act 1987 and instead include pool safety provisions in the Building Act 2004.

MBIE is consulting on the following:

  • Proposed manufacturer and retailer notices.  The Bill will create a requirement for manufacturers and retailers of pool products (spa pools, hot tubs and portable pools) to supply a notice with the product that summarises the responsibilities of owners, pool operators and occupiers to comply with pool barrier requirements. The consultation document sets out MBIE’s proposals for the notices.
  • Proposed fees MBIE will charge independently qualified pool inspectors.  The Bill will create a requirement for pool barriers to be inspected at least every three years. It also provides for independently qualified pool inspectors (IQPIs) – independent people who can inspect and certify the compliance of pool barriers. The consultation document sets out MBIE’s proposals for the fees it will charge IQPIs.
  • Proposed certificates of periodic inspection for IQPIs.  The consultation document sets out MBIE’s proposal for the form IQPIs will use to certify compliance of pool barriers.

View the proposals and make a submission on the MBIE Corporate website.

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