GIB RECOMMences OPerations under Level 3

As a result of the Level 3 timing announcement Winstone Wallboards is pleased to confirm operations will recommence as outlined below.We are finalising and implementing our Operating Principles and Protocols to keep people safe and minimise the chance of COVID-19 spread.To achieve this some service changes are required during this time. Please read the document Winstone Wallboards Service Modifications for Alert Level 3 and 2.

Technical and Sales Support

The GIB® Helpline continues to operate for technical or general support on 0800 100 442, or Our technical and sales teams will communicate using non face to face methods. Site visits may be permitted only in exceptional circumstances and physical distancing practices would be followed.


Orders processing will recommence on Tuesday 28 April. Orders will be processed and deliveries will be scheduled on a first in first out basis.We appreciate your understanding of any delivery delays as we work through clearing the backlog of orders as quickly as possible.


Deliveries/Collections will recommence as follows:

--Wednesday 29 April - Delivered to Site and Ex-Warehouse Wellington

-- Thursday 30 April - National Freight into Store and Ex-Warehouse Christchurch

We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work together to achieve our common goal of stamping out COVID-19.

Stay safe and be kind.

The Winstone Wallboards Team

Please share this information with the appropriate people in your business and if you have any questions contact your local ASM or call the GIB® Helpline on 0800 100 442.

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