Entry to BCA - Part One

Consisting of three self-paced online modules, this package provides an overview of the Building Code, the Building Control Process and the fundamentals of writing for inspecting and processing.

Your "Entry to BCA - Part One" certificate will be sent upon completing all three modules. 

1. Complying with the Building Code - Self paced online learning (approx. 2 hours)

This course provides you with an understanding of the Building Code and the compliance pathways to efficiently apply the building consent process.

NCAS: This course can be used to provide evidence of compliance with Regulation 10(3)(a) and 10(3)(c)

2. Introduction to Building Control Processes - Self paced online learning (approx. 2 hours)

Building control functions are legislated by the Building Act 2004 and all building work must comply with the performance-based Building Code (Schedule 1 of the Building Regulations 1992). This course will cover the building control process from project information memorandum to building consent to code compliance certificate, explaining the terminology, steps and who is responsible.

This course covers the following topics:

  • The 10 steps in a typical Building project
  • Construction Systems Flow Chart
  • Process Information

NCAS: This course can be used to provide evidence of compliance with Regulation 10(3)(c)

3.Writing for BCOs - Self paced online learning (approx. 2 hours)

This course covers the fundamentals of writing for Building Consent Officers (BCOs) including writing associated with consenting and inspecting.

NCAS: This course can be used to provide evidence of compliance with Regulation 10(3)(e)


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