Code of Ethics

The Code of Ethics exists to provide Institute members with authoritative guidelines on what are deemed to be acceptable standards of professional conduct. As such, the Code represents a minimum standard of behaviour for members of the Institute. While the Code covers specific issues, members are expected generally to achieve levels of professionalism exceeding the minimum required in both competence and conduct.

Members shall at all times honour the Vision and Mission of the Institute, its Code of Ethics and Rules of Conduct ensuring the protection of the Institutes services and intellectual property developed for the benefit of the members.

Rules of Conduct

  1. Members shall act in the best interests of the public, fellow members of the Institute, employer, and fellow employees; and promote the building professions reputable and respected business.
  2. Members shall be loyal to the Institute, actively contribute to its work and standing in the industry and encourage other members to do likewise.
  3. Members shall demonstrate professional competence by conducting themselves in a reputable and professional manner that shall not prejudice the status of the Institute.
  4. Members shall refrain from open public criticism of fellow members or publicly express any opinion on the professional performance of other members. Such criticism shall be confined to appropriate formal hearings with professional courtesy and integrity.
  5. Members shall not disclose any confidential information or matters related to their work or profession or the business of their employer without the express authority of the employer.
  6. Members shall not engage in any fraudulent or dishonourable activity, nor entertain or accept any covert reward, or profit, or use any information obtained in their professional capacity for personal gain.
  7. Members shall demonstrate professional competence and skills and shall involve themselves in continuing education and training particularly toward new technology and innovations.
  8. Members shall resist any possibility of conflict of interests in meeting their professional responsibilities.
  9. Members shall submit reports and proposals in a factual, unbiased and positive manner within the bounds of their competence.

Breach of Ethics

The Board of the Institute shall undertake investigative or disciplinary procedures against any member on advice of any alleged breach of Rules of Conduct of the Institute's Code of Ethics.

Any disciplinary action may only be imposed following thorough investigation of which the member is fully informed of substance and detail. The member has the right to be represented by an appropriate advocate and shall be entitled to refute or mitigate claims made.

Instances of a proven serious breach will result in forfeiture or suspension from the Institute in accordance with Section 4.4 of the Constitution, accompanied by an explanation and will be advised immediately in writing to the member.

The Institute may deal with minor breaches by warning and/or counselling.
Attempt at mediation should also be an option at the discretion of the Institute Board.

Detailed Procedures

The President of the Institute shall be advised of the alleged breach from within or outside the Institute and seek that advice in writing.
On receipt of the written advice, the President shall:

1. Immediately advise the Chief Executive of the Institute to initiate the appropriate process.
2. Advise the member concerned within three working days of the nature of the alleged breach and process to be followed.

The member concerned shall be given the opportunity to engage advocacy assistance. The formal hearing shall be arranged by the Chief Executive, presided over by the President of the Institute and at least one other member of the Board.

The decision of the hearing shall be a recommendation to the next Board meeting and the member shall be advised of this recommendation within 24 hours of the conclusion of the hearing. Representation may be made by the member to the Board considering the recommendation of the hearing committee.

The member must be given not less than 14 days previous notice in writing of such meeting.

Should the matter relating to the alleged breach be under formal review by any other recognised authority including judicial process, the Institute shall withhold any action pending the outcome of such review. The Institute may however, formally advise the member that it may proceed with the investigation on conduct at the conclusion of the review.

A decision made by the Board shall be final and not subject to appeal.

Note: Following ratification of 2024 Constitution, this information is to be updated.

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