KiwiBuild: Megan Woods faces the biggest day of her career

ANALYSIS: After a nine-month wait, new Housing Minister Megan Woods is to present the KiwiBuild reset - a fresh take on Labour's failed flagship housing policy.

Wednesday will undoubtedly be one the biggest days of her career as minister, right up with the day she moved to ban new oil and gas exploration as Energy Minister last year.

Some will be expecting - or hoping - that Woods has been brought on to kill off Phil Twyford's policy to build 100,000 affordable homes and bury it deep under the ground, getting the Government out of the housing market altogether.

But Woods still sees a big role for a big strong government in providing housing.

"I said in my maiden speech I believe in the power of an active government to make lives better for people. If you look back throughout New Zealand histories, our great leap forwards have come when governments have rolled up its sleeves and muscled in," Woods told Stuff in a sit-down interview in early August.

"I said in my maiden speech I believe in the power of an active government to make lives better for people. If you look back throughout New Zealand histories, our great leap forwards have come when governments have rolled up its sleeves and muscled in," Woods told Stuff in a sit-down interview in early August.

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