Engineering NZ cleared to continue disciplinary process against Alan Reay

Engineering New Zealand (formerly IPENZ) will continue its complaints process against engineer Alan Reay over his alleged part in the CTV building debacle.

The organisation restarted its stalled complaints process after a High Court decision in December that rejected Reay's claim his resignation from the Institution of Professional Engineers New Zealand (IPENZ) in 2014 should stop the complaints process.

In a decision released on Wednesday, the Court of Appeal rejected Reay's appeal against the High Court decision, saying IPENZ's rules meant the organisation's powers of investigation and sanction withstood a resignation.

Alan Reay has gone to the Court of Appeal over a ruling that his resignation from an engineers' professional group did not end the group's ability to discipline him. (File photo)
Alan Reay has gone to the Court of Appeal over a ruling that his resignation from an engineers' professional group did not end the group's ability to discipline him. (File photo)

"Otherwise the disciplinary powers would be, and be seen to be, ineffective against members who have reason to believe their conduct will not survive the scrutiny of their peers. (For the avoidance of doubt we do not suggest Dr Reay falls into that category in fact; that question is not before us.)"

Engineering New Zealand chief executive Susan Freeman-Greene said the Appeal Court decision meant the process against Reay would continue.

The complaint was with the organisation's investigating committee, which was deciding whether Reay had a case to answer.

"It's really important this a fair, robust and transparent process that determines whether there are professional disciplinary issues," she said.

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