Council's building team receives thumbs up from IANZ

The Kāpiti Coast District Council has passed a review of its accreditation as a Building Consent Authority with flying colours.

Auditors from International Accreditation New Zealand's (IANZ) who undertook the two-yearly review said they were highly impressed with Council staff and processes.

Chief Executive Wayne Maxwell says the result is a reflection of the hard work Council's building team puts in every day to ensure things are done right first time.

"Today I heard confirmation that our team are outstanding. Our results are among, if not, the best that have been achieved.

"Having good systems and processes is the foundation to delivering excellent, accurate and timely service to our customers and that has been reflected in the results of this audit."

Mr Maxwell said the auditor's formal report is yet to arrive but they have advised staff of their key findings.

Read the full article here

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