Contractors signed for first stage of lakefront development

The contract for the first stage of the lakefront development has been signed and work will get underway at the end of October.

HEB Construction Ltd has been awarded this contract and has experience working on large-scale projects nationwide.

HEB Construction's Area Manager, Andrew Hiscox, said HEB is currently working on some of New Zealand's largest projects including Transmission Gully, the Northern Corridor Improvement Project, the Huntly By-Pass and the Kaikoura Earthquake Recovery Project.

"These projects are big and diverse, bringing into play all of HEB Construction's capabilities. Our team is really excited to now also be involved in this iconic project in Rotorua which will transform the lakefront into an even more desirable location for locals and tourists to visit and enjoy."

Rotorua Lakes Council's General Manager of Strategy, Jean-Paul Gaston, explains what this first stage of work will deliver.

"This first section of work will involve the construction of a new boardwalk along the lake edge from the existing commercial jetty, to the eastern area by the existing footbridge, as well as terracing along the lake edge which will provide space by the water to sit and relax.

"The boardwalk is going to provide a place to wander, reflect, and enjoy panoramic views of the lake and Mokoia Island. Safety has been a key priority in the design of the boardwalk which has undergone a full safety audit and building consent assessment, and meets all safety requirements.

"We've worked hard with iwi to establish clear guidelines during construction to protect lake water quality and kōura habitat, and to protect and reflect both Te Arawa heritage and the importance of the reserve to the community today."

A karakia will take place on Tuesday 15 October. Fencing and site setup is scheduled to start on Tuesday 29 October with some soil sampling taking place prior to this, around the 16th and 17th of October. During the soil sampling some areas will be fenced off temporarily.

While this stage of construction is underway access to the lake edge and Oruawhata Drive will be restricted but access through Memorial Drive and Lakefront Drive will remain open. Access to Memorial Drive will be restricted early next year when work on Stage 4 begins. More information about access to the lakefront will be provided once the worksite boundaries have been finalised.

Read the full article here
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